The Blok M Memories

Ruby Astari
3 min readApr 15, 2024

How do you know you’re feeling old? They say age is just a number. If you feel that your spirit is still somewhat young, then you’re welcome to play with words. You know, like “30 is the new 20” or “40 is like being 20 for the second time”. (20 x 2. Get it?)

Or in my case, 42 is like being 21 for the second time, hehe.

You know you’re feeling old when you go to a place — and that place suddenly brings you back a lot of memories. Kind of how I’ve felt about Blok M, South Jakarta, this Eid Holiday. I went there to have lunch with my best friend on the second day of Eid. Even as we hung out and talked about stuff, a part of my mind had wandered off … back and forth …

I remember middle school. I used to hang out a lot in Blok M Plaza with my school friends. We’d watch movies at the cinema, eat at a fast-food joint, visit a bookstore (which often resulted in me buying at least a book), and sometimes try on clothes or shoes. We’d go to a record store too, especially when I wanted to buy an album from my favorite musician or band. You know, stuff teenagers usually liked back then in the 80s and 90s.

Unlike my sister back then, I wasn’t that into shopping malls. I’m still not into shopping, by the way. I only do that when I have to, like purchasing groceries or something like that. There are only a few things I like about most malls in Jakarta:

· Book stores.

· Record stores (before most of them are gone now!)

· Cinemas.

· Coffee shops (where I can just sit alone with my writing kit … just writing.)

I still enjoyed watching movies in Blok M when I was in high school. Honestly, I miss Aquarius Record Store in Bulungan, which used to be the largest record store in South Jakarta. I used to go there to buy cassettes or CDs … or sometimes concert tickets. That used to be the place to go for music besides the radio — before almost everything became online.

College years were slightly different. I remember the Blok M bus station back then better since I enrolled in a university in Depok, West Java. Since my parents hadn’t allowed me to move out of the house just yet, I had to take at least two to three bus rides to my campus and back. Each journey took at least 1.5 hours or two. No, I’m not kidding you. I often fell asleep on the bus.

I’d spent a smaller part of my 20s working around that neighborhood in Blok M. Then I worked part-time there (but for a different company) and the other part in South Tangerang after I turned 27 or 28.

Workaholic much? I had no choice. My father was already critically sick at that time — and the hospital bills kept piling up.

I’d spent my early 30s that way too, although no longer in Blok M and South Tangerang. Then my next six years after Dad’s funeral had belonged mostly to Kuningan and its close surroundings. I only frequented Blok M shortly with my writers’ club … or if there was a karaoke session with friends nearby.

Now? A lot has already changed in Blok M. Don’t get me wrong, though. I love the much better, more improved transportation system, especially the buses and trains. I also love the artistic M-Bloc.

I’m just afraid that there will come a time I can no longer keep up with more, quick changes …

That’s why I feel old sometimes.




Ruby Astari

The Wordplay Warrior, alias: #writer@work , #english-teacher , #aspiring-singer , #translator #blogger #author #bilingualpoet of @MalamPuisi_JKT