Witnessing Life Through The Screens…

Ruby Astari
2 min readSep 25, 2020
Photo: https://unsplash.com/photos/WjZ4eaHq9G4

The title is ironic, because I’ve written an article about how to limit your child’s screen-time during a pandemic. The truth is, even before #Covid19, it’s already been challenging enough — especially once your kid is hooked. Plus, most schools here are done online, thanks to the Corona scare.

I know, I sound like a hypocrite for writing this. Since March 2020, I’ve gone back to being a TV junkie. I look at my phone a lot. (I even freaked out when it had broken twice — but thankfully repaired once again.)

I listen to the radio more often too. It’s been a while, actually. I mostly rely on YouTube for music. Then again, I now have more options than I have the time to check each out in a day.

Now there are platforms for independent music and podcasts like Soundcloud, Spotify, and Anchor FM…and karaoke apps like Smule. I’ve gotten hooked on the last one. I ended up making new friends too there.

What else? Yes, I still check out social media. Thankfully, I’m busy enough with plenty of digital work these days. No time to respond to drama kings and queens seeking my attention.

So, we’re witnessing life through the screens these days. Some feel safe, others feel lonely and isolated. Some others feel disconnected too.

What about you? What do you have in mind at the moment?

What’s on our screens today?




Ruby Astari

The Wordplay Warrior, alias: #writer@work , #english-teacher , #aspiring-singer , #translator #blogger #author #bilingualpoet of @MalamPuisi_JKT